November 2022


Malachi concludes the message of the Old Testament by presenting the people of God, who are struggling with the same rebellious pattern as their parents, with a call to repentance. The unchanging, covenant-keeping God who has always been faithful to his people will prove himself faithful again. So, he calls his people to return to […]

October 2022


We all struggle to properly prioritize our lives. We focus on what we can see and what we need to make it through the next moment or day. When we are ruled by this “tyranny of the urgent,” we can lose focus on the weightier matters of God’s glory and presence in our lives. Haggai […]


Though other prophets proclaim the coming of the Day of the Lord, none does so with the urgency of Zephaniah.  He knows that the arrival of the Lord to both judge and purify his people and the nations is immanent and inevitable so he urges his audience, “Be prepared for the arrival of the Lord!” […]


When everything seems wrong in the world; when God seems far away or even unfair worship can be the farthest from our minds. That is why the biblical language of lament is so powerful. Habakkuk laments before the Lord regarding the sin of his people and in the end his faith is strengthened and his […]

September 2022


As we live our lives, we can become easily overwhelmed by the evil around us. Just like the Israelites, we can feel like we are standing alone against the wickedness of the world. We need the reminder from Nahum that despite strength of our enemies within, without, and ahead there is no enemy of the […]


The book Micah is a collection of writings and oracles from the prophet spanning decades of his ministry confronting the people of Israel with their smug presumptions upon the mercy and kindness of the Lord.  Micah teaches us all that the Lord is not impressed with gracious displays of religious self-righteousness, but longs for transformed […]


The book of Jonah is a bold check against our sinful tendency to live under the Pharisaical proverb, “love your neighbor and hate your enemies.”  We like Jonah can be stingy with the message of salvation and God’s mercy, especially towards those who have hurt us.  The ministry of Jesus, however, stands in bold contrast […]

August 2022


Though the prophet Obadiah the Lord reminds us that no matter how dark or difficult things may get, God will always make things right.


Amos reminds both the ancient Israelites and us that God’s love is not a license to sin.  Our sinful tendency is to think otherwise.  The Lord, however, reminds us that he alone is sovereign; the Lord, the God of hosts. As such, the Lord, the God of hosts sees our sin, judges our sin, and […]


Pastor Will continues in a series through the Minor Prophets by looking at the book of Joel. Again, we hear of the Lord’s judgment and his grace for his people. We learn that the Day of the Lord is a double-edged sword and we must be on the right side of it.