C H U R C H   M E D I A

Sermon Audio & Video

February 2018

Restoring Relationships: Outstanding & Overflowing

Text: John 2:1-11
Can we really believe all this hype about marriage and the Gospel?  What about the people who are not

Rescuing Relationships: Stabilizers & Servants

Text: Ephesians 5:21-33
Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to rescue our relationships from the brokenness of

Broken Relationships: Compliments To Competitors

Text: Genesis 3
We can be discouraged by God’s blueprint for marriage because as simple as God’s blueprint might seem–

January 2018

Creating Relationships, Part 2: United and Unashamed

United & Unashamed
Text: Genesis 2:15-25

Creating Relationships, Part 1: Reflecting the Image Of God

Text: Genesis 1:26-28, 2:15-25
God created us from a relationship for r

Marriage Matters: The Gospel On Display

Text: Ephesians 5:31-32
Big Idea: Marriage matters.